Tinker Growth helps government agencies departments of education and other public bodies that implement policies, educational program initiatives, and fund research & development projects. 

Our purpose is to provide guidance and expertise to educational institutions, policymakers, and other stakeholders to improve educational outcomes, support educators, inform policy, and promote equity. Our key performance indicators enhance student learning and performance through evidence-based practices and innovations, provide teachers and administrators with the tools, knowledge, and skills needed to be effective in their roles, use research findings to guide policy decisions at local, regional, and national levels, and ensure that all students have access to high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Advising on curriculum design, educational policies, teacher training programs, and the implementation of educational technologies are common activities of Tinker Growth’s Education Advisory solution. We create a well-rounded approach to educational enhancement, ensuring that every aspect from policy to classroom practice is informed by robust research and tailored advice.

Educational Technology Integration: Tinker Growth helps government agencies leverage technology to enhance the learning experience. This may involve implementing learning management systems, interactive whiteboards, or educational apps to facilitate instruction and assessment.

Curriculum Development: Tinker Growth collaborates with government agencies to develop engaging and relevant educational curricula tailored to their target audience. This may involve designing courses, selecting instructional materials, and incorporating interactive learning activities.

Teacher Training: We provide professional development opportunities for educators, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively deliver the curriculum. This could include workshops, seminars, and ongoing coaching and support.

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© Tinker Growth LLC 2024